Over twenty years of Australian Friendly Schools’ research
Since 1999, the Friendly Schools research team has conducted 23 high quality school and community-based studies with over 40,000 Australian children and adolescents, their families and school staff.
These internationally recognised, large research projects have been translated into practical actions, training, digital tools and resources which enable Australian schools to:
- Examine the social and emotional wellbeing of their students
- Examine their existing policies and practices
- Identify strengths and areas for improvement and
- Implement evidence-based classroom and whole-school strategies that improve their students’ wellbeing and learning.
Using this research, Friendly Schools has developed and extensively tested ways to strengthen and support whole-school approaches to reduce all forms of bullying (including cyberbullying) and improve student social and emotional wellbeing in primary and secondary schools.
Not only does this research provide an unparalleled understanding of the factors that promote student social and emotional wellbeing and prevent bullying and cyberbullying, it also continues to grow and advance to keep up with the ever-changing world our children are exposed to.
❝ We’re increasingly working to meet the needs of schools and parents in supporting children’s social and emotional wellbeing. This research is constantly evolving to meet new challenges and emerging issues, focusing on the needs of sub-populations of more vulnerable children and young people and the increasing prevalence of digital technology use. As primary and secondary students’ social behaviours have evolved, so too has the Friendly Schools research. ❞

Professor Donna Cross
Friendly Schools Research Lead
The Friendly Schools’ Research Journey
Our research ranges from:
- Exploring understandings about social and emotional wellbeing and bullying behaviours
- Developing and testing policies and practices with school leaders, students, teachers and parents and
- Providing information and support to families and the wider community using technology such as apps and web-based resources.
The timeline below provides an overview of the major research projects that informed Friendly Schools.
Click on any circle to learn more about that study as part of our research journey or find out further project details by research focus area below.
The Friendly Schools’ Research Journey 1999 – 2025

Research journey by focus area
Cyber bullying and safety education
Parents and Families
Understanding wellbeing, bullying and whole-school approaches
- Evidence-based Guidelines for Bullying Prevention
- Australian Covert Bullying Prevalence Study
- A Review of Existing Australian and International Cyber-Safety Research
- Strong Schools Safe Kids
- Building Out Bullying
- Student Wellbeing Evidence Review
- Working with horses to promote the wellbeing of Aboriginal youth
- Cultural learnings: Strengthening Aboriginal children’s wellbeing
Early Childhood and Primary School
- Friendly Schools
- Friendly Schools Friendly Families
- Child Physical Aggression Prevention
- Solid Kids Solid Schools
- Cyber Friendly Schools
- Preventing Anxiety and Victimisation Through Education
- Belong (supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of students with Hearing Loss)
- School Social Experiences of Children with Asthma
- Principal Wellbeing
- Cyber Friendly Primary Schools
- Enhancing adolescent mental health through positive education
- Supporting social connectedness and wellbeing of young students with cystic fibrosis
- Supporting the wellbeing of students with Type 1 Diabetes
- South Australian Pilot Evaluation of Friendly Schools
Higher risk groups
- Solid Kids Solid Schools
- Belong (supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of students with Hearing Loss)
- School Social Experiences of Children with Asthma
- Beyond Bullying (students who regularly perpetrate bullying)
- Supporting social connectedness and wellbeing of students with cystic fibrosis
- Supporting the wellbeing of students with Type 1 Diabetes
- Preventing Anxiety and Victimisation Through Education
- Working with horses to promote the wellbeing of Aboriginal youth
- Cultural learnings: Strengthening Aboriginal children’s wellbeing
Secondary school research
- Supportive Schools
- Solid Kids Solid Schools
- KIT-Plus
- Strong Schools Safe Kids
- Cyber Strong Schools
- Cyber Savvy
- Cyber Leaders
- Beyond Bullying
- Enhancing adolescent mental health through positive education
- Supporting social connectedness and wellbeing of young people with cystic fibrosis
- Supporting the wellbeing of students with Type 1 Diabetes