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How do we make sure we are ready for the initiative?

The getting ready section provides information and tasks on what needs to be done to prior to taking on Friendly Schools to ensure a smooth and effective start to the implementation process.

Too often this readiness stage is overlooked in the implementation process, resulting in insufficient thought, time and resources being allocated to allow for a framework for success to be established. Schools that take the approach that this is an ongoing multi-staged initiative for improvement over time have been found to have far greater success in developing a sustainable model. A review of the implementation process of schools involved in the Friendly Schools research projects indicated that many found it difficult to fast track the readiness and planning stage and move on to the whole-school implementation and promotion of the initiative. Barriers included competing demands on teacher time and energy, a lack of time and support for staff implementing the initiative and a lack of school administration commitment and leadership within the school.

Assessing readiness is also crucial to ensure the school has the capacity, knowledge, leadership support, and resources to implement successfully. This getting ready stage describes, how to set up and build the capacity of your coordinating team to facilitate and manage the process of review, planning and implementation of the evidence-based strategies. You will also be provided with strategies to build common understandings with your staff and collaboratively align the evidence with your whole-school vision for building social and emotional capability to reduce bullying in your school.