A whole-school approach to social and emotional wellbeing that meets your primary or secondary school’s unique strengths, needs and context
A Whole-School Approach
Our research identified evidence-based key elements for success for schools to increase social and emotional wellbeing and reduce bullying. These key elements have been organised into a set of whole-school components.
Reflection tools are provided to help your school wellbeing team review current processes and actions within these components. By identifying your current strengths and needs your school can strategically build capacity to address any gaps, using widely tested strategies. These strategies are supported with a variety of other resources including school case studies, newsletter items, student leadership activities and many other ideas from schools in our research that implement an effective whole-school approach.
Whole-school components
Capacity building
Supportive school culture
An inclusive, trusting and supportive school culture helps build care and empathy for each other, encourages open communication and supports a sense of connectedness to the school. Schools who focus on fostering strong relationships between and among staff, students and families have been found to build students connectedness to school resulting in reductions in bullying behaviours and increased social and emotional wellbeing.
Policies and practices
Key understandings and competencies
Physical and social environment
Family partnerships
Classroom curriculum and teaching practice
Student voice and peer support
Implementation support for your School Wellbeing Team
Sustained change takes time
We know the success of any initiative is dependent on how well evidence-based practices are implemented within a whole-school context. It is important to remember that promoting and sustaining change that builds relationships, wellbeing and a positive school climate takes time, consistency and commitment.
A Small Steps Approach
A Friendly Schools Team Guide* uses the staged implementation process, shown in our interactive graphic, to support your school’s coordinating team through five stages from, getting ready, to reflection and review. Each stage is divided into a series of strategic steps and actions for your school team to follow, in order to plan and monitor your journey.
This step-by-step process includes ongoing self-assessment, evidence informed practice and strategic planning to allow you to better understand your context and more confidently identify and address areas of need to deliver better outcomes.
At each stage of implementation resources such as, data gathering tools, staff capacity building resources, advice from schools and other tools are provided to support your school’s journey.
Hover over any of the pulsing icons for more information.
*A free download of the Team Guide is provided with the purchase of Friendly Schools resources and can be accessed by using your school’s login details.

Available in ‘Evidence for Practice’ handbook, Section 3 or in Schools Login – Team Guide
Available in Primary and Secondary Resources below
Available in Primary and Secondary Resources below
Available in ‘Evidence for Practice’ handbook, Section 3 or in Schools Login – Team Guide
Available in ‘Evidence for Practice’ handbook, Section 2 or in Schools Login Library
Available in ‘Evidence for Practice’ handbook, Section 2 or in Schools Login Team Guide
Available in Primary and Secondary Resources below
Available in ‘Evidence for Practice’ handbook, Section 3 or in Schools Login – Team Guide
Available in ‘Evidence for Practice’ handbook, Section 3 or in Schools Login – Team Guide
Exclusive Digital Resources for Schools
We have listened and want to make your important job easier. You can now purchase one copy of each resource that you access through your account for all your classes and teachers as needed. This reduces your need to purchase multiple copies of each resource. All purchases through our shop come with free access to our digital resource library. Access instructions for login are provided after checkout is completed.
Primary Schools
Friendly Schools for Primary Schools
A comprehensive set of resources has been developed and tested to support the Friendly Schools whole-school approach in Primary Schools. These resources can be purchased as individual items or as a school set. Many schools purchase the Primary Years Complete Pack and then add extra pieces they need.
The Friendly Schools Primary Schools Complete Pack includes:
- Evidence for Practice Whole-school Guidebook
- Implementation Map Poster
- Friendly Families Booklet
- Set of ten posters
- 1 copy of each of the 8 Primary Years Classroom resource books
A library of downloadable resources is constantly being updated and extended to support schools with their implementation of Friendly Schools. Access is complimentary with the purchase of any of the Friendly Schools resources. You will receive instructions on how to access these downloadable resources through the School Login when you receive your resources.
Primary Years Complete Pack Price: $350.00
Evidence for Practice whole-school guidebook
A comprehensive guide to the evidence-based strategies and the implementation process of Friendly Schools.
This book describes the evidence supporting Friendly Schools and describes research-based practice approaches schools can implement to maximise and sustain effective social and emotional skill building and bullying prevention strategies.
This content is organised into three sections.
Section 1 – Evidence before action provides key understandings and evidence about social emotional learning and bullying.
Section 2 – Friendly Schools whole-school approach - This section is designed to support schools to identify and successfully implement whole-school recommendations. To assist school-based leadership teams to identify the evidence based key elements for action, section 2 has been organised into six inter-related whole-school components which are represented in individual chapters within this section of the resource.
- Building capacity
- Supportive school culture
- Proactive policies and practices
- Key understandings and competencies
- Protective physical environment
- School-family-community partnerships
Section 3 – Friendly Schools Implementation - The Friendly Schools Implementation section guides school coordinating teams through the entire implementation journey, from getting ready, to reviewing and sustaining outcomes.
A library of downloadable resources is constantly being updated and extended to support schools with their implementation of Friendly Schools. Access to a new downloadable Team Workbook is complimentary with the purchase of the Friendly Schools resources in the School Login section of this site. You will receive instructions for your School Login when you receive your resources.
Price of Evidence for Practice: handbook $65.00
Friendly Families Booklet
The Family Booklet contains information and tips for parents about how to cope effectively with bullying. The book focuses on prevention strategies including opening communication between parent and child, giving tips to parents to help improve the social skills of their child, and strategies for children to manage bullying should it occur. Teachers have found this booklet particularly useful as well to provide key points when they are speaking to children and their parents about bullying behaviours and social skills.
Included in the price of a Primary Schools Complete Pack
Individual Price: $9.95
Friendly Schools Posters
Help your students create a friendly environment with a set of 9 downloadable posters. The posters deliver common messages for the whole school around the different aspects of dealing with social issues and bullying such as determining what bullying is, knowing how to ask for help and developing a plan for dealing with problems. The posters are often printed and used as a whole school tool and displayed in the school undercover area.
Access to downloadable sets of lessons and power point slides of the posters are provided for both Early Years and for Middle/Upper Primary in the School Login section of this site. You will receive instructions for your School Login when you purchase your resources.
Posters are included in the price of a Primary Years Complete Pack.
Individual Price: $40.00
Friendly Schools Primary Classroom Resource Books
The Primary Classroom Resource Books are designed for students aged between 4 – 11 years and include downloadable resource books for each year level from K (Early Years) to Year 6.
The Primary Classroom Resource books are organised into three sections.
Section 1 – Evidence before action provides teachers with key understandings and evidence about social emotional learning and bullying.
Section 2 – Teaching and learning resource provides lessons with activity designed to develop the social and emotional learning skills of students.
The Teaching and learning resource section in each book is divided into the five key areas:
- Self-awareness
- Self-management
- Social awareness
- Relationship skills
- Social decision-making
These Key areas link directly to the General Capabilities outlined in the Australian Curriculum under ‘Personal and Social Capability’.
Section 3 – Whole-school approach offers information on bringing the whole-school community together to contribute to the development and ongoing maintenance of the friendly and safe culture of the school.
School Login section of this website. Student activity sheets and resources such as Teacher logs and overview of the FS primary teaching focus areas K – 6, The continuum of the social and emotional learning skills and a new suggested Literature List can be accessed as individual downloadable files through the School Login section of this website. You will receive instructions for your Login with your resources.
Primary Classroom Resource Books can be purchased in the following ways:
As part of the Primary Years Complete Pack (1 copy of each of the 8 Primary Years Classroom resource books is included in the package price), or as individual resources below.
Individual Friendly Schools classroom handbooks
For each year from K - Year 6
Price: $29.95 each

Friendly Schools: Early Years Book Pack
Includes classroom handbooks for K – Year 2 (Ages 4-7)
Price: $110.00
Secondary Schools
Friendly Schools for Secondary Schools
A comprehensive set of resources has been developed and tested to support the Friendly Schools whole-school approach in Secondary Schools. These resources can be purchased as individual items or as a school set. Many schools purchase the Secondary Years Complete Pack and then add extra pieces they need.
The Friendly Schools Secondary Schools Complete Pack includes PDF downloadable copies of:
- Evidence for Practice Whole-school Guidebook
- Implementation Map Poster
- Friendly Families Booklet
- 1 copy of each of the 3 Classroom Resource books for Years 7 – 9
- Access to Cyber Leaders Website and Teacher resource
The purchase of these resources also provides you with access to a library of downloadable resources which is constantly being updated and extended to support schools. This includes the Cyber Leaders Website and Teacher resource, a student leadership package aimed at skilling young people to become leaders in their school to reduce cyberbullying and other cyber related harms. This resource is also supplemented with guidelines for school staff to encourage and support student leaders and school stories to provide practical based suggestions for implementation.
After your purchase and after logging in, you can navigate to the Free Resources link above the main website menu and find these in the library under the Student Voice section.
Secondary Years Complete Pack Price: $200.00
Evidence for Practice whole-school guidebook
A comprehensive guide to the evidence-based strategies and the implementation process of Friendly Schools.
This book describes the evidence supporting Friendly Schools and describes research-based practice approaches schools can implement to maximise and sustain effective social and emotional skill building and bullying prevention strategies.
This content is organised into three sections.
Section 1 – Evidence before action provides key understandings and evidence about social emotional learning and bullying.
Section 2 – Friendly Schools whole-school approach - This section is designed to support schools to identify and successfully implement whole-school recommendations. To assist school-based leadership teams to identify the evidence based key elements for action, section 2 has been organised into six inter-related whole-school components which are represented in individual chapters within this section of the resource.
- Building capacity
- Supportive school culture
- Proactive policies and practices
- Key understandings and competencies
- Protective physical environment
- School-family-community partnerships
Section 3 – Friendly Schools Implementation - The Friendly Schools Implementation section guides school coordinating teams through the entire implementation journey, from getting ready, to reviewing and sustaining outcomes.
A library of downloadable resources is constantly being updated and extended to support schools with their implementation of Friendly Schools. Access to a new downloadable Team Workbook is complimentary with the purchase of the Friendly Schools resources in the School Login section of this site. You will receive instructions for your School Login when you receive your resources.
Price of Evidence for Practice: handbook $65.00
Friendly Families Booklet
The Family Booklet contains information and tips for parents about how to cope effectively with bullying. The book focuses on prevention strategies including opening communication between parent and child, giving tips to parents to help improve the social skills of their child, and strategies for children to manage bullying should it occur. Teachers have found this booklet particularly useful as well to provide key points when they are speaking to children and their parents about bullying behaviours and social skills.
Included in the price of a Secondary Schools Complete Pack
Individual Price: $9.95
Friendly Schools Secondary Classroom Resource books
and Student Leader Resources
The classroom teaching and learning activities for students from 11 to 14 years of age have been found to be an effective way to provide a structured approach for embedding the social and emotional learning both offline and online to underpin responsible use of technology.
Classroom Resource books for students in Year 7 focuses on social and emotional learning for change and transition into Secondary school as well as social relationships important in this transition year. Classroom Resource books for students in Year 9 -10 are developed to assist school staff to respond proactively to the ever-evolving online world. This includes the place of social media, and the positive and negative behaviours it generates among young people, which impact both their learning and wellbeing.
The purchase of these resources also provides you with access to a library of downloadable resources which is constantly being updated and extended to support schools. This includes the Cyber Leaders Website and Teacher resource, a student leadership package aimed at skilling young people to become leaders in their school to reduce cyberbullying and other cyber related harms. This resource is also supplemented with guidelines for school staff to encourage and support student leaders and school stories to provide practical based suggestions for implementation.
After your purchase and after logging in, you can navigate to the Free Resources link above the main website menu and find these in the library under the Student Voice section.
Friendly Schools: Secondary Years Book Pack
Includes classroom handbooks for Years 7-9 (ages 12-14)
Price: $85.00
Student Leaders Resources
Students over 14 years were found to respond less to cyber safety lessons in the classroom but rather expressed a genuine concern and interest in being involved in as leaders in school initiatives to address cyber issues. The role of these students as student leaders, encouraging and enabling other young people to use technology in positive ways, was found to have had positive outcomes for both the student leaders and their peers.
Friendly Schools Secondary School resources also include free access to resources to help school staff to train and support student leaders to establish an ethos and environment where all students feel empowered to use technology in positive ways. Access to these resources is through the School Login section of this website. You will receive instructions for your Login with your resources.